- Vassar College: Bachelor of Arts (Phi Beta Kappa).
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology – Adult and Child/Family Tracks.
- APA Approved 2-year Internship: University Center for the Child and Family, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- APA Approved 2-year post-doctoral fellowship: University of Michigan Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Ann Arbor.
Academic Faculty Positions
- Marquette University, Wisconsin
- California State University, San Bernardino
- Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago
Clinical Supervisor
- University of California San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry.
- Alliant University, San Diego.
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dept. of Psychiatry
- Marquette University, Dept. of Psychology
- California State University, San Bernardino, Dept. of Psychology
- Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Dept. of Clinical Psychology
Professional Affiliations
Professional Leadership Positions
- Chair, Cultural Diversity Committee, San Diego Psychological Association (2008-2010)
- San Diego Psychological Association Representative to the California Psychological Association for cultural diversity (2010)
Azmaira Maker, Ph.D.
She has been serving families in San Diego for over fifteen years, and her exceptional training in the dual Child and Family Program and Adult Program at University of Michigan provides her with expertise in cognitive-behavioral, positive psychology, play therapy, family therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and developmental, psychological, and psycho-educational assessments with children, teenagers, college students, and adults.
Dr. Maker is the author of two multi-award winning books on divorce and traumatic death, and is completing her new book on pregnancy loss. Dr. Maker’s mission is to bring together expert clinicians from varying mental health disciplines to provide excellent, integrated treatment to children, teens, and adults in San Diego. Dr. Maker completed her B.A. from Vassar (Phi Beta Kappa) and her Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral Fellowship from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the Child and Family, and Adult Programs. She also completed a specialized fellowship at the University of Michigan Law School.
With over twenty years of experience working in hospitals, clinics, and schools, Dr. Maker can provide expert consultations, evaluations, therapy, psychological and educational assessments, and group treatment based on your unique needs.
Dr. Maker’s Treatment Approach:
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- Family Systems Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Play Therapy
- Psychodynamic Therapy
- State-of-the-art, standardized testing batteries.
With children and teenagers, Dr. Maker utilizes cognitive-behavioral therapy, play therapy, family therapy, and parent guidance with immediate tools for effective change. Dr. Maker collaborates very closely with parents from a family systems and developmental perspective. Dr. Maker also collaborates closely with schools, pediatricians, and psychiatrists to enhance a team approach.
With college students and adults, Dr. Maker utilizes a cognitive-behavioral approach for immediate change and coping with life-stressors, along with a deeper psychodynamic approach to enhance awareness, change past patterns, increase strengths and self-esteem, and engage in healthier/positive relationships and choices.
Utilizing a holistic approach, our work together will focus on providing you with the specific tools to overcome challenges, facilitate coping skills, adapt to life stressors, and gain insight and effective strategies to promote positive and healthy change. Our goal is to facilitate your abilities to empower yourself, your child, and your family via profound, permanent changes to help you thrive.
Presentations, Speaking Events, Workshops and More
Dr. Azmaira H. Maker is a national expert with over twenty years of experience in parenting, child development, learning, social, and behavioral issues, family relationships, and loss. She has presented on a range of topics in schools and clinics.
Dr. Maker is available for consultations, speaking events, workshops, and presentations for schools, parenting and community events, family law firms, and institutes with professionals and practitioners working with children.
Consultations, presentations, and workshops can be focused on the specific needs of the institute and audience.
To schedule Dr. Maker for an event, please contact her here.
Honors, Fellowships, and Awards
- Summer Research Partnership, University of Michigan
- Barbour Fellowship for Asian Women, University of Michigan
- American Association for Underrepresented Women International Fellowship
- Margaret Floy Washburn Fellowship
- Departmental Associate, University of Michigan
- Departmental Honors (Psychology), Vassar College
- Phi Beta Kappa, Vassar College
- General Honors, Vassar College
Select Publications
- Family Changes: Explaining Divorce To Children
- Where Did My Friend Go? Helping Children Cope With A Traumatic Death
- Long-Term Psychological Consequences in Women of Witnessing Parental Physical Conflict and Experiencing Abuse in Childhood
- Child Sexual Abuse, Peer Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Assault in Adulthood: A Multi-Risk Model of Revictimization.
- Parental Sociopathy as a Predictor of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Child Physical Abuse: Prevalence, Characteristics, Predictors, and Beliefs About Parent-Child Violence in South Asian, Middle Eastern, East Asian, and Latina Women in the United States
- Major depressive disorder in adolescents: Family psychiatric history predicts severe behavioral disinhibition
- Prevalence, perpetrators, and characteristics of witnessing parental violence and adult dating Violence in Latina, East Asian, South Asian, and Middle Eastern women
- Post 9/11: Combating Racism in the Sanctity of Healing – A Clinical Vignette Utilizing a Cultural Process Dialogue
- Family Violence: Psychological Consequences and Beliefs in Asian and Asian-American Women
- Book chapter in “Voices of Color : First Person Accounts of Ethnic Minority Therapists” edited by M. Rastogi and E. Wieling.