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Pregnancy Loss

Aspiring Family therapists provide expertise in grieving the loss, and exploring and healing the impact on yourself and your relationships.

Pregnancy Loss

Support and Counseling

Pregnancy loss at any stage of fetal development can be life changing. Associated feelings can range from disappointment to devastation, as parents may struggle with anxiety, confusion, helplessness, fear, shame, blame, and even hopelessness.

A pregnancy loss can impact your relationship with your partner, your family, your colleague, and even your friends.

Many parents may also struggle with sharing their loss, as shame and secrecy often shroud the issue, and others may not know how to respond in comforting and supportive ways. Isolation and loneliness are not uncommon in this process, and seeking therapeutic support can be significantly helpful and empowering.

Our Team Expertise

Aspiring Family therapists provide expertise in grieving the loss, and exploring and healing the impact on yourself and your relationships. We utilize a multi-pronged approach to lean coping skills and develop hope for the future that includes:

Our expert clinicians work in a safe, non-judgmental, and non-religious environment with a range of pregnancy losses. We explore and understand significant themes and utilize effective tools to create positive mindsets, recovery, empowerment, hope, and healing.
Pregnancy Loss

IVF Services

Undergoing IVF can be very stressful for an individual, the couple, and the family. Multiple doctor’s visits, hormones and medications, ultrasounds, testings, choices and decision making, and waiting for the unknown and unpredictable can cumulate in anxiety, distress, sleep disturbance, conflict, mood swings, frustration, and confusion.

IVF can significantly impact your relationship with your partner, family members, colleagues, and even friends.

Many parents are unsure about sharing their choices and journey with others, given the secrecy shrouding this issue, which lends itself to isolation and lack of support.

Disappointments along the way can exacerbate anxiety and conflict, and if there is a loss, it can lead to withdrawal, helplessness, and depression. Aspiring Family therapists utilize multiple evidence based approaches to provide effective and expert interventions that address the unique impact of IVF in a safe, non-judgmental, and non-religious environment. Utilizing effective tools, we work closely with you to create positive mindsets, recovery, empowerment, hope, and healing.

Pregnancy Loss and IVF Support in San Diego

It is important to remember that you are not alone in this tumultuous process and can seek therapeutic support for guidance, conflict resolution, grief, and loss.