Aspiring Families Press
Aspiring Families Press is dedicated to picture books, picture storybooks, chapter books, and workbooks that focus on psychology, developmental psychology, positive psychology, children, parenting, family, diversity, and mental health. We would like to promote exceptional books that are strongly founded in well-established theory, research, and clinical expertise by both new and established authors.
Our Mission
For every book we publish, we have a reader in our minds, and, as parents ourselves, we hope our books also touch the parents and grandparents of that reader, and all the teachers and professionals working with children. We hope everyone benefits from reading and sharing our books.
Aspiring Families Press titles are available through Ingram and Baker and Taylor, or you can order direct from AFP. We encourage you to contact us with any questions.
Upcoming Books
Mandy, The Grey Panda Bear
A story about visible differences and teasing in children.
I Can Do It!
A story about separation anxiety and coping in children.
Where Did My Friend Go?
A workbook for young children who have witnessed gun violence.
I Can Be All That I Can Be
A story about a young boy who enjoys more traditionally female-oriented activities.
I Chose You
A story that explains IVF to young children born of IVF.
I Am American Too!
A picture book about racial, ethnic, and cultural differences in the U.S.
My Story: Healing from Pregnancy Loss
For families who have experienced any form of pregnancy loss.
We are currently seeking submissions in the following areas:
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Parenting
- Coping and Resilience to a Stressor
- Diversity and Mental Health
Please follow the submission guidelines listed here:
- We accept submissions by POST ONLY:
Please send the FULL TEXT of your book, plus copies of any supporting visual material. Please DO NOT send original artwork (double-spaced, printed on one side of paper only). - Please send a cover letter containing all relevant information about you and your work. Please date your letter and remember to include all contact information, including your current mailing address, email, and phone number for correspondence purposes.
- We also require you to submit your current curriculum vitae in full, so that we better understand your expertise.
- Please enclose a large, stamped, self-addressed envelope if you would like the material returned. Whilst every care is taken of manuscripts/submissions we cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, destruction or delay in their return.
- Please send your submission to:
Submissions, Aspiring Families Press,
12625 High Bluff Drive, Suite 104, San Diego, CA 92130 - We require that you use REGULAR POST rather than signed-for services.
Please don’t be too disappointed if we are unable to accept your work or if we don’t respond. We are a small company and can only publish a few new books each year. Thank you for your interest in Aspiring Families Press. We look forward to your submissions.