Azmaira Maker
The Effectiveness of Pet Therapy and Equine Assisted Therapy
Research demonstrates that pet therapy and equine assisted therapy and the human-animal bond can have a multitude of positive effects on mood, sleep, health, and behavior.
Depression Rates Soar in College Students
Colleges should also seriously consider obtaining releases to contact parents if they have concerns about students’ well-being. Early intervention is prevention, and family members can be a critical source of support, and can, perhaps, prevent fatal choices of depressed students.
Types of Therapies for Mental Health: A Biopsychosocial Approach
It is important for mental health professionals to learn about new interventions and explore these options with their clients for integrative, holistic, and comprehensive mental health care.
Easy Mental Wellness Tips for Work-From-Home Parents
Remote employees often feel pressured to match their workday to an office standard, and this can be next to impossible when you have a little one depending on you throughout the day.
Equine Assisted Therapy: A Unique & Effective Intervention
Equine Assisted Therapy can help clients with depression, anxiety, ADHD, conduct disorders, addiction, and other mental health difficulties.
Giving Hope and Setting Goals for Kids and Teens in 2021
Let’s give all our children and teenagers plenty of hope, meaning, fun, creativity, and positive engagement and help them thrive through the depression and anxiety of online loneliness, social distancing, and school closures.